About brooXmark Marketing Consultancy

brooXmark Marketing Consultancy is a company for people who want to step outside the idea that “marketing” = “advertising.”  Truly effective marketing may include some traditional forms of advertising, and it may include some of the old tropes from ’70s Marketing textbooks like the “Four Ps” and the importance of “branding.”

BUT, I define marketing as delivering a message from a provider of goods or services to people who want to engage in a conversation with that provider.  It is not easy to do, but over time it reduces the ridiculous expenses and time that can be associated with “traditional” marketing; and it builds a customer base of ecstatic friends that enjoy doing business with you.

brooXmark will help you: define your business’s value proposition and differentiators; identify the type of customer you should be doing business with; establish lines of communication with those (and only those) people; and ultimately let you do more of the right kind of work for your organization.

4 Responses to “About brooXmark Marketing Consultancy”

  1. Dawn Mallyon Says:

    Very nice — love the logo. Congrats and good luck!

  2. Robert Hebert Says:

    Mr. Brooks:

    I am with an executive search firm in Toronto. we are trying to help an Atlantic Canada-based software firm which is looking for a VP Marketing. Would it be possible to contact you to discuss. There does not appear to be a contact number on your web site.


    Bob Hebert

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